restore energy, moods and vitality with Fem21

Balance your hormones naturally


Est. 2015

The superfood blend for women who want to balance their hormones naturally.


I’m Meah, thank you for being here. You've probably found yourself here because you’ve heard great things about Fem21.

I’m the founder of Fem21 and I've been a Naturopath for over 18 years. Since 2015 Fem21 has helped over 30,000 women in Australia and Internationally.

As a woman with PCOS and mother of two, Fem21 was created from my own need to sort out my health and hormones. Also as a Naturopathic Practitioner I wanted to help as many women as possible to do the same.

I designed this beautiful blend to not only naturally balance hormones, but it also support the liver and digestive system, alkalises the body and looks after our adrenals and thyroid. I'm so happy that Fem21 has such a great reputation for supporting women's health and hormones holistically.

Meah Robertson BHSc. (Nat)

how it works

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love notes from you about how your Fem21 journey is going...

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Period pain

Love Fem21, it has saved me from the horrendous period pain I was experiencing. Early last year my pain had me heading to the hospital regularly.  Dr's thought I might have Endometriosis and suggested I either have a laparoscopy but that didn't appeal to me. By some miracle I found Fem21, started taking it and gone are the regular trips to the hospital.  So Meah, thank you for creating something that is so very precious to me.


Balanced Hormones

I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for creating Fem21. I'm not exaggerating when I say it has changed my life. I'm usually battling vomit inducing migraines a week before my period and then a week of heavy bleeding. I've used Fem21 for 8 weeks and haven't had a single migraine or cramp. After years of doctors putting telling me it's "just hormones/PCOS and that I have to basically deal with it" I'm so grateful to have found this powder! I have recommended it to every woman I know.



I’m now into my second tub of Fem21. This stuff is amazing!! Usually two weeks before my period I can start to feel the symptoms and the week before they are in full swing. From puffiness, bloating, moody, teary, tired. And the worst sore breasts EVER to the point that when I take my bra off at night I have to hold them because I am in so much pain… Well I am the happiest chick around at the moment because my period is due in four days, and I have Zero, None, Zilch symptoms whatsoever!!!!  I can not believe it... Please don’t ever stop making this miracle powder.

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Enhances Liver Detoxification

Cleansing and supporting liver function is very important for keeping your body healthy and your hormones in balance. Your liver does the majority of hormonal metabolism as well as clearing the body of toxins.

Balances Hormones

Fem21's unique formulation of herbs and superfoods supports healthy oestrogen levels and promotes progesterone production. We have included herbs that also support our adrenal and thyroid hormones, this is crucial for maintaining healthy hormones long term.

Supports Gut Health

Our unique blend of probiotics helps to support the microbiome and create a healthy balance of good bacteria.

Improves Digestion

Fem21 is rich in soluble and insoluble fibre, which helps our bowels to move regularly. Fibre is very important for our hormonal health as it binds toxic hormonal metabolites and carries them out of the body.

Alkalises the Body

Alkalising greens and superfoods provide a variety of powerful nutrients to boost your energy, control inflammation and reduce oxidative stress.

100% natural

This is our beautiful blend of 21 ingredients, what you see is what you get nothing more or nothing less.

Fem21’s formulation of rich greens, superfoods, herbs and antioxidants supports your body to be its best. The best part is that it's all in one simple 10g scoop.

Our unique formulation supports healthy oestrogen metabolism and promotes progesterone production, while addressing the function of the entire endocrine system including the adrenal glands, thyroid and ovaries.

We've included herbs for the liver and digestive cleansing ingredients. Plus probiotics and fibre keep everything running efficiently, from the elimination of toxins, to the absorption of nutrients. This all helps to support a healthy gut and microbiome.

The alkalising greens in our blend provide a variety of powerful nutrients to boost your energy, control inflammation and reduce oxidative stress.

What’s inside Fem21?

Absolutely no fillers or additives, just the 21 ingredients listed here (which are all vegan and gluten-free)

Please note: Fem21 is not recommended during pregnancy, breastfeeding or while using medications including contraceptives (unless under professional guidance).

Fem21 is great at supporting the cause of hormonal acne from the inside out


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How to take Fem21

Use 1-2 scoops / day in water, juice or a smoothie. We recommend being consistent for at least 3-4 months to balance your hormones.

smoothie recipes and more

Find out if Fem21 is right for you

What to expect on the Fem21 timeline and contraindications.

Important info

Who can take Fem21

Fem21 can be used by women from teens through to post menopause. However we just drop the dose to a 1/2 scoops for younger teens under 50kg. It can be taken after menopause for supporting general health & wellness

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Orders are dispatched between Monday - Friday

Our customer support is available 7 days : 8:30am - 8:30pm AEST.Average answer time: 24h
all your questions answered

Doing our bit to be

Eco friendly

  • Our plastic free tubs are 100% fully recyclable, made out of food grade lined cardboard and they're reusable.
  • 300g Eco-refill option
  • 100% recycled paper for your invoices
  • Corn based bio-fill, paper hex wrap or reused shredded label backing (from our office) to protect your Fem21 in transit
  • You'll receive your package in a biodegradable or recyclable cardboard box
  • We use paper or compostable tape