Our Ingredients & Nutritional Information
Here is all the essential information you need about Fem21's nutritional profile and ingredient details. Check out the details alongside to see exactly what goes into Fem21 and how it can help you on your wellness journey.
Our 21 Powerful Natural Ingredients & their doses/10g serve
1. Psyllium (seed husks) 1000mg
Insoluble fibre for healthy bowels.
2. Lemon 1000mg
Promotes healthy digestive enzymes.
3. Multi Strain probiotics* 800mg
with F.O.S: good bacteria & prebiotics for a healthy microbiome.
4. Licorice (root) 800mg
Supports adrenal health for healthy energy & stress response.
5. Ginger (root) 800mg
Digestive stimulant and supports circulation.
6. Rasberry (fruit & seed) 300mg
Regulates blood sugar, good source of fibre.
7. Pomegranate (fruit & seed) 250mg
Rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory.
8. Barley Grass 500mg
Alkalising green rich in chlorophyll.
9. Wheatgrass (sprout) 500mg
Alkalising green rich in chlorophyll.
10. Dandelion Root Powder (root) 250mg
For healthy liver detoxification.
11. Slipperly Elm 800mg
Soluble fibre, calming effect on the bowels.
12. Cinnamon (Bark) 70mg
Regulates blood sugar levels.
13. Siberian Ginseng (root) 500mg
Supports adrenal health for sustained energy.
14. Withania aka Ashwaganda 750mg
Tonifying for the adrenals
15. Stevia (leaf) 40mg
To naturally balance the bitterness of the herbs.
16. Chaste Tree (berry) 500mg
Promotes progesterone balance.
17. Rosemary (leaves) 500mg
Supports liver health and excess oestrogen clearance.
18. Black Cohosh (root) 40mg
To modulate oestrogen levels.
19. Broccoli powder 400mg
Rich in antioxidants and supports excess oestrogen metabolism.
20. Bladderwrack (frond) 200mg
Source of iodine for thyroid health.
21. Milk Thistle 1000mg
Nourishes & supports cleansing of the liver.